Tuesday, April 2, 2013

vogel today

omg, i swear vogel is gonna kill us with homework
geez im so mad cuz of his extreme hw, my whole spring vacation was ruined. dang it, and i wish he had explained dat we only had to write vocab words DAT WE DIDNT NO. geez, and also the key concepts ugh so much reading.  Today, i wuz just freaking out.  i wuz lik oh damn how in the world am i gonna get to castle hill!!!! ???  i wuz getting frustrated and then went to google maps which made it more confusing than ever.  oh yeah on my way there to get on bx 22, lol pure coincidence, i met up with yomira.  You no we used to b close in the first half of freshman year. well, i guess its cuz i wuz getting bored doing the same thing over and over again in the lunchroom.  oh well, hey i dont lik sticking to boring places.  but now were cool wit each other. oh god i wuz getting scared cuz like i've never been in dat area so i had no idea where to stop well whatever it turned out well. OH YEAH, GUESS WAT?!?! I FINALLY SAW NGOC'S OLDER SIS, AND FAITH WUZ damn girl u should'v see her A FASHIONISTA. she said she wasn't going on a date but ha! LIES~ no way dat she was dressin up lik dat just to show everyone at vogels. well see yah, dats the only update i got.


  • Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life.
  • How plebian (common).
  • When you have eliminated the impossible, the remains, however improbable, must be the truth. ~Sherlock Holmes
  • It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius
  • Life cannot be all happiness; we must expect tears as well as mirth
  • Quibbling will not solve anything.
  • If you have distrusted your friend before they have betrayed you, then you should not feel wronged.
  • Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. ~ Confucius
  • If you believe there is nothing to improve, you are ignorant, but if you believe it is poorly done, then you are in need of confidence.
  • Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. ~ Confucius
  • It's better to be flawed than perfect.  It makes one wiser and life more interesting.
  • It is the cause, not the death that makes the martyr. ~Napoleon Bonaparte
  • It requires more courage to live/suffer than die. ~twist of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Never ascribe to malice which is adequately explained by incompetence. ~Napoleon Bonaparte
  • It is best to learn wisdom by the experience of others but many choose to overlook and smack it.
  • One who understands much displays a greater simplicity of character than one who understands little. ~Alexander Chase
  • A person born into a great title is not deserving to respected unless they have earned it.
  • You would be less hurt, but more of an imbecile to feign ignorance than confront the harsh truth.
  • To be or not to be: that is the question. ~Hamlet