Wednesday, September 18, 2013



photo credit: post designed by lauren conrad
It’s official. Spring has arrived. That means it’s time to shed those layers and show some skin.  Unfortunately, our  limbs have been hiding all winter long and may not be looking their prettiest.  To bring dull skin back to life, try this refreshing body scrub.  Here is an easy recipe for a salt scrub that you can make with ingredients found in your own kitchen.  You’re just moments away from shiny new skin.
What you will need:
5 tablespoons sea salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 lemon
First mix the olive oil and sea salt together. Once the salt gets coated by the oil, the lemon won’t dissolve it! Next cut the lemon in half and squeeze over the salt + oil. Mix and mash. (Feel free to adjust the recipe to your liking.) Then scrub away!!
XO Lauren


photo: dan forbes/ny times
Seasons come and go, and as we’re all aware summer is quickly approaching. Spring is the perfect time to get your skin ready for the coming months. My favorite at home remedy for dry skin is simple: coconut butter and a couple drops of olive oil. Coconut butter is an incredible moisturizer and promotes elasticity in skin. Extra virgin olive oil is packed with vitamin E and antioxidants. These two are a mash made in heaven! :)Blend two teaspoons of coconut butter and 10 drops of extra virgin olive oil together in a bowl using the back of a spoon. Apply a thin layer anywhere skin feels dry once or twice a week. I use this on my lips, legs, arms, elbows, and hands. Cover and save the rest in the refrigerator. Due to the coconut craze right now, coconut butter should be pretty easy to find. It’s the perfect summer skin prep!
XO Lauren


photo by: post designed by kristin ess

Post submitted by community contributor, Brandi Morin

Ladies, want to know how to make your skin irresistibly radiant and healthy? Try this DIY treatment, which uses ingredients many of you probably already have in your cupboard!
I stumbled upon this beauty secret years ago and it’s quickly becoming one of the most popular home-made body scrubs because it’s easy, good for your skin, low maintenance and cheap!
Brown sugar– when you think of it you may imagine cookies + candy, but it also contains ingredients that can be greatly beneficial to your body’s largest organ, your skin.
Yes, I’m talking about using brown sugar as an all over body exfoliant. Brown sugar’s granulated particles exfoliate and clear away dry, dead skin cells. This creates a noticeably smoother, more youthful glow to your skin, which is an effect almost all women desire to maintain. Brown sugar is an anti-bacterial and also contains glycolic acid which is an alpha-hydroxyl acid ingredient that keeps skin healthy + vibrant. At the same time it moisturizes and conditions the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of toxins. Lastly it smells delicious! Using brown sugar as a relaxing aromatherapy at home spa treatment will most definitely leave you feeling like a domestic goddess.
It’s good to mix it with natural olive oil so it adds extra moisture and creates a sticky consistency that’s easier to apply. Remember you can use it as an all over body scrub and even use it on your face every other day for a radiant glow, but be gentle! The skin on your face is much more sensitive.
Here’s how I prepare to indulge in this natural beauty recipe at home:
  • half a cup of brown sugar
  • three tablespoons of olive oil
  • a few drops of water.
And voila! It’s that easy.
For a perfectly delicious home made skin care treatment brown sugar will make you look and feel glorious and everyone around you will be amazed at the condition of your soft and glowing beautiful skin.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Elaine Edmondson                                                                                                            Ms. S. Rivera
Health Pd.   6                                                                                                             Septemeber 16, 2013

         What Are Blackheads?
Health Article #  1 

                Blackheads are the beginning stage of acne.  As you know from acne, it can either be black, yellow, or white.  Blackheads, usually black but can be yellow.  Whiteheads are white because they are open hair follicles but still partially clogged.  Later on, with the added dirt, it later develops into something common called pimples.  The blackheads are a mix of oily substances, and dirt.    

                   It usually occurs after one hits puberty.  Puberty is a process where hormone levels increase.  One of the effects are glands spill out oily substances.  The oily substances overfill the pores and over some or a long time, they form blackheads.  People who have dirty and oily faces usually have blackheads.  This usually occurs to them because first, their faces are clogged with oil and other substances and second, they don't clean their faces so the oil continues to build up.

                   As said, earlier, blackheads usually appear during puberty.  Puberty occurs during teenage years.  Also, when you are in stress or down,  this increases the level of your hormones, causing further break-out.

                 Cleaning your face can clean out your oily pores and gradually rid of the blackheads.  Also, moving hair from face can reduce the blackheads.  Hair is very greasy so that will just add more oil to the already clogged pores.  Also, being in the sun can get rid of your dead skin cells but be careful because that can cause skin cancer.

               Blackheads are caused by close hair follicles that are fully clogged with bacteria and oily substances.  It happens during puberty which undergoes in teenage years.  As long as you clean your face and be healthy, you can lower the chances of blackheads popping up.  I find this article really beneficial to me because I hate pimple, blackheads etc just like any other person.  Now I can do something to prevent many blackheads from spreading through out my face.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Karl Benz

          Karl Benz was a German inventor who had created something that moves the world today.  The magnificent invention is called a gasoline-powered automobile.  If it wasn't for his invention, we may still be riding horses to ride around our neighborhoods.

          He was born in November in Germany and died in April also in Germany.  He had gone to Karlsruhe Gymnasium, a high school, and the University of Karlsruhe.  Both are in Germany.  He later on married Bertha Benz who later on was the first person to go an extensive trip on the the new invention.  Together, they had two sons and three daughters.

           It seems that his daring invention was not accidental.  He was an engineer after all, and participated in a society where people of his position gathered.  He had founded Rhine Rive Gas Motor Factory.  During his time there, he constructed the machine and many people protested that it scared away children and horses.  This is when his wife achieved that previously said title.  The point behind the endeavor was to showcase the reliability of the automobile.  His seemingly foolish marketing strategy worked.

           Unfortunately, later on, he was forced to resign as the CEO of his company.  On the other hand, he founded another and worked secretly with stealth as if he was leaving no trail behind.  It was called K. Benz & Sons which became a supplier of a automobile company called Daimler.  Daimler was a superior competitor of Karl's first founded company so it's kind of ironic that his second company is a "subcontractor" of Daimler.

           A common convertible that is used in many people's daily lives is a gasoline-powered car.  The engineer who created this was Karl Benz.  He further advanced technology from horses to automobiles.