Monday, January 4, 2016

Places I've EATEN *CRUNCH*

well, this is basically just the second time I'm ordering all of the places I've eaten (and also the places that I'm interested in eating *wink*) Lol, as you already know, I've been trying to organize my whole list since its be a wee bit messy...OK FINE. I mean a whole lot messy since the last time I looked at it.  Lol, next thing you know I might actually do a real blog later on the places I've eaten and hang out lol.  Well, who know? Maybe, well, probably the only chances of me actually doing that is when I get a phone that takes good pics.  And hehe, maybe I can be the Ninja Munch or something lik that lmaoo its pretty corny though.  But oh well, that's gonna be a lil bit in the future cuz phones are just pretty annoying to handle especially with those contracts if you know what I mean.  But I have to say, they are pretty useful to have on you.  But yeah, this is basically the 2nd ordering I'm gonna be doing on this blog. Wow, now that I actually think about it, most of the time I keep going back to this blog is because I need to check on places I've eaten and places I've hanged out in. Huh, pretty interesting. Crap, I would type in Korean but I'm forgetting it now damn it!!!! LOOKS like I need to catch up again cryyyyy; damn why does Korean gotta be so difficult wahhhhh. But god, please help me to be fluent and be able to remember communicating in this language!!!  sORRY, but I'll try to come back more often for entries!! Well, let's get back to business; see yah!

Original Entry *edited (From 1st Entry):

hey, I just came up with an idea, and I wanted to remember and have access to all of the places where you can eat or drink! I want to thank those who've helped me by introducing them to me and of course to my curiosity when I want to explore!

Random Activities:
Pubstop(do appetizers in one fav restaurant, main course in another fav restaurant, dessert in another)
Dress each other up in one of the shopping stores, dressing rooms
DIY interractive station-style stations
Watch movies/movie marathon/drama series
Read a book
Do yoga
Make a bubble bath with roses, with back ground music
Call someone
Do quizes online called sporicle
Shoot a video on your phone: it could be about your surroundings, yourself, etc.
Have a scavengar hunt
Play boardgames/cards
Pot-luck indoor with board games, or netflix
DIY arts and crafts on pininterest
Indoor Olympics:
EventMaterials NeededNotes
Javelin ThrowPlastic Straws, permanent marker, masking tapeRules:  Each player labels a straw with their name on it and stands at the starting line.Winners:  Athlete throwing the straw the farthest from the start line.
Shot Put/Coin TossRolled up socks, nerf ball or coinsRules:  Using a low pitch, player tries to toss the sock as far as possible.Winner:  Player whose sock is tossed the farthest distance.
Tips:  Try aiming for a bowl at opposite end of room.
Marble RelayMarbles:  2 for each player, masking tapeRules:  Team members face off with each other.   Pair a younger child with an older one.Each player must keep one marble on their toes and walk to partner to switch off marbles.Winners:  First partner to finish bringing back marbles to finish line wins.
Tips:  Mark starting and halfway lines with masking tape.
Frog JumpMasking tape-pencilRules:  Each athlete stands in a row and jump as far as they can from a squatted position.  Mark a starting line with masking tape. Measure from the line to the back of each competitor’s foot.Winners:  Athlete that jumps the farthest from the starting point.
Tips:  In the Squat position, have player’s bottom dropped low with finger tips in front of legs.
Volleyball HoverBalloonsRules:  Athletes compete in groups of 2 to 5 kids, hitting or kicking a balloon into the air. If their balloon touches the floor or if the athlete holds onto it even briefly, they are out.
Winners:  Winner keeps their balloon up the longest.
<strongTips: Give each athlete a different Olympic-colored balloon.
Hot Air Race (More difficult variation of the above event.)BalloonsRules:  Each player must blow on inflated balloon to keep it in the air while walking to goal line and back.Winner:  Player who crosses finish line first without their balloon touching the ground.
Balance BeamLong rope or ribbon and tape.Rules:  Athletes walk along the ‘balance beam’.  Their feet must stay on the rope, otherwise they are out.
Winners:  The winner is the one who can keep their feet on the line with repeated walking.  Make it harder each time by having the kids put their hands on their heads, walk backwards, close their eyes, etc.Tips: Make it harder by creating a wobbly line.
Push Me / Pull MeMasking tapeRules:  Two people stand back-to-back, lock arms, run to goal and return.Winners:  Players that return to finish line.Tips:  Mark the starting and ending lines with masking tape.
Discus ThrowPaper plates, masking tape, pencilRules:  Standing at the start line, each player holds the plate out horizontally (like shooting a Frisbee) and snaps the plate across the room.Winners:  Player who throws the plate the farthest.
Tips:  Have players mark their plates before taking their turn.
Indoor MileMasking tapeRules:  Each player starts race with their hands clasped to their ankles while running the distance.Winner:  Player who crosses the finish line first.
Tips:  Use masking tape to mark the start and finish lines.
New EventCome up with some new ideas of your own!Rules:Winner:

Do tastetest: things that look the same, but are from either different brands/flavors, or "BLIND"
Read a book



House of Small Wonder *good for brunch (Best on Friday, try to be early like before 11) At most have 4 ppl accompany
Queens Comfort
Kofte Piyaz = fresh baklava
Great NY Noodletown
Creperie NYC



City Island:  an Upper- Bronx Island that has very expensive food but really big portions, and most of the restaurants are Seafood based.  Lunch is a lot cheaper, and there really isn't much stuff to do there.  I would recommend going to a restaurant in City Island but next to Orchard Beach.  It gets very cold during the night so definetly bring a jacket!  Good for a celebrating expensive occasion
RATE: 3.5/5

Full Moon Pizzaria
>a lil pricey place to eat in Little Italy, Fordham Bronx and lol yes, it's pizza. BUT ITS GOOD PIZZA.  There are tables to wait in and out of the restaurant. *I recommend eating outside though with a nice weather*  Lol, and it teaches its customers to be patient for at least 30 minutes.  However, the pizza is big and try to bring like only 4 ppl, no more and plz lets try no less.  Though it was crowded, the service was good, but watch out for the time; cuz after 30 minutes, you gotta pick dat pizza up lol.  Oh and even better, (lol don't take advantage of dis) you can pay after/b4 ur done eating.  Take your time, there's no time limit :D
RATE: 3.7/5

Merryland Buffet
>a spacious buffet in Fordham that's only like just $10; however, this place gives you a time limit of two hours.  The food is pretty good and the place is not dat crowded to the point of suffocation lol, and not noisy to the point of not hearing ur companion.  Beware: this place is near an optical place and is like at the side so watch carefully :D
RATE: 3.5/5

Primavera Café: 
>a homey and clean spacious café in Fordham that has like everything; I love the sandwiches which are about 6$ for the large, circular bun, including a pickle and the remainder of the plate: chips <3 they even have a lil mini buffet and they have desserts, smoothies, salads, and have a menu of variety :D
RATE: 3.8/5




Bo Ky Restaurant

Chelsea Market
>a large place that has a beautiful architecture of a real market, and it is great for people who love to eat esp when its EXPENSIVE, for people who want to explore a lil like 30-45 minutes, and for people who LOVE to cook!  I love the ambiance of this place since it's so chill and laid back, and furthermore its like a block away from the A Train!  However, I suggest not to bring like a whole group, only just like up to 5 people because this seems to be a tourist spot (well of course!)
(75 9th Ave at Between 15th and 16 Streets 
Meatpacking District, Chelsea)
RATING: 3.3/5

Congee Bowery Restaurant & Bar (in btw Soho and Canal st{Chinatown})
>lol, don't b 2 overwhelmed by the classy spell-rich atmosphere. that just shows how freakin great the place's environment is! HOWEVER, AS A WARNGING, LOOK OUTSIDE 4 A PAMPHLET OF SOME KIND: those contain the cheap prices.  THE ONES INSIDE? DAMNNNN EXPENSIVE IN DAT LARGE MENU. they provide free tea, and their cheap foods are good! its very spacey and the ppl who run the place r pretty great ok :D
RATING: 3.3/5

Eight Turn Crepe - Japanese Twist Crepes
>Chinatown (Literally, right across the 6 Train)

Halal Guys Restaurant
>a pretty cheap place that sells good Halal food in a pretty big serving! Beware: their spicy is spicy (its no joke) They have around 2-3 tables and a long side table by the wall! Recommended to bring at most 4 people with you!
RATING: 3.8/5

Mila Cafe
>a pretty good breakfast and lunch place that serve decent-good dishes in big quantities! Warning: CASH ONLY!!

>dis place in a malaysian cuisine restaurant in Chinatown.  Even though the food was at least alright.  The shrimp and squid balls were delish and the pad thai which is a little spicy.  The service was really good, i have to say i was pretty impressed.  mi friend had ask the waiters to charge and check on his cellphone n they willingly without much apparent complaint did.  They were very attentive and the atmosphere was really nice and comfy.  Oh, but u also have to pay the mandatory 10% tip here though.  I wish I had hit their lunch special(11-4 PM) though, it would have been only 6.96.  Oh n dis place does doggy bags  n the plates range from decent-large.  I was unfortunately not really dat satisfied wit their cold meat though n i love cold meat so dat wuz a bit depressing.  But it would b good to come back, good service n good hot food!
RATING: 3.5/5

Paris Baguette
>a small lobby: has sweets BUT the second floor: good drinks and nice casual dining area, and the 3rd has a large nice dining area!!! cute but a lil expensive Korean cafe!  TRY THE CRONUTS!!
42nd Times Square Manhattan (Near NY Times, and Midtown Comics)


(basically like a street or a neighborhood which is Korean related!!)

BCD Tofu House
>  a 24 hr, large spacious restaurant that has pretty decent-big portions and have like around 7 small but free side dishes.  They have a well know TOFU stew which is know to boil like crazy when you first get it and if you crack the egg on it, its like it'll cook there from the heat.  Yeah, it seems to be that hot.

Mandoo Bar
>a nice looking small place to eat Korean food! I have to say I do like their noodles and soup dishes which I tasted from my friends.  However, I didn't really like the rice dishes.  The presentation of it being steaming or actually frying hot is VERY IMPRESSIVE. However, I don't really like how parts of my dish was burnt (at first I didn't mind when it was hot, but as it cooled down, it was unsatisfying) I would recommend bringing 4-6 people at most!

Woorijip Authentic Korean Food
>VERY CHEAP; The place is decently big, and it has multiple tables and chairs for people to sit; however, when my friends and I got there, it was pretty busy and full. There will probably be a line at the cashier, but the wait will be pretty short. The place is pretty much full of plastic containers of delicious Korean food! I got the bulgogi and mushrooms with wild rice. I wish I could have the japchae noodle but I was literally close to broke so I just got the bulgogi one instead! The quantity for it was pretty big considering its cheap price. I wish the bulgogi was more softer, but oh well, I guess comparing it to a homemade fresh bulgogi might be cheating. I think for that big bowl with either a side of a small water (not recommend getting - way too small), kimchi (def get if you're into spicy) or a salad (which is actually pretty good and decently sized [def recommend]) is DEFINATLY AWESOME FOR AROUND $7. They have multiple other things which I would want to try!!
If there are no available seats, I would recommend sitting at the small park at the edge of Koreatown.
Rate: 3.8/5.0




Ba Xuyen
>cheap and delicious Vietnamese sandwiches!!!! Recommended to take out and eat at Sunset Park!

Dehli Heights
>a semi- formal restaurant in Jackson Heights that contains mid-spicy to spicy Bengali food: my most favorite ones were the somosa and chicken mosala.  The buffet SPECIAL cost like 9.95 but the part that really irked me was that you also had to pay for their service which was just fetching water and utensils; like what the hell, I could do the same thing ugh.  If you're into spicy food, then come in.  My friend recommended the Jackson Diner nearby but it was like 11-something dollars; hmm, I'll try it next time and bonus: no pay for so-called waiter service.
RATING: 3.7/5

Kai Feng Fu
>(Brooklyn version of Prosperity Dumpling) Recommended to take out and eat at Sunset Park!

>an Asian Fusion restaurant in Brooklyn of Thai and Japanese food.  Food range from decent-sad yet edible; the thai 56 wuz pretty ok but in big quantity and the shomei wuz lacking and few in #; <3 RECOMMENDED: THE CHEAP FRIED ICE CREAM LIKE THE RED BEAN FOR 2 SCOOPS :D
Service: Be forewarned; these people take a long time to get your orders and prepare them!  Make sure to come way early if you want to catch their deals!!! If not, they will wait till after the deal is done and then prepare your order. As a result, YOU PAY MORE.
RATING: 2.3/5

Roll N Roaster
>A very spacious and nice diner that provides a pretty long range of American good tasting junk food such as burgers, fries, milkshakes etc. Their menu is very cheap!! Everything was practically around $5.00!! This place is pretty kind of in the middle of nowhere though. You will have to take a train, bus, and then walk there. Its close to Coney Island according to like a few train stops and some bus stops and some walking blocks.
RATE: 3.8-4.2/5

Samurai Mama

SkyIce Sweet & Savory
> a small place that is well known for their very unique flavors of icecream (offers over 18 unique flavors of ice cream and sorbet) It's $6.50 for a 5 scoop sampler and $9.50 for a 12 scoop palette of your choosing.




Golden Mall
>a small place in Flushing dat took me at least an hour 2 find ugh! and its real address and the one online is just a bit different which STILL CAUSED ME FREAKIN PROBLEMS.  the real part is the 41-28.  there are actually 2 of them which makes it confusing but the good one is at the basement and its hidden door is at the corner of the st which is across a supermarket: it might be called sparkling supermarket.  well the menu's mostly noodles and there's like dumplings, hotpot, bbq and other stuff.  Most are decently priced but some are overpriced. like the bbq, is more expensive and less tastier than the street vendors, and the stewed pork bun is overpriced with good meat but tough bread.  I didn't really have a good experience so mi review is biased.  I might come back to get a better exp or not cuz im just too damn lazy.  well, there are other restaurants in flushing that I found interesting its like across the fork of Main ST and up and around up the hill of dat outter fork.

This is the second review of the Golden Mall. Well, now that it was a lot easier to find; I'm not as negative biased as before.  I have to say that they have a pretty good range of tasty dumplings at a cheap price!  Also, I noticed that practically everything there is less than $10.  They give you sitting which is nice, but its pretty cramped in there!  There's like around at least 6 food stalls where you can order from which is pretty nice. I'm still curious to try their hotpot because its like $20.  That pork bun of their though is pretty good though!! I would suggest going if you wanna explore and branch out your tastes. Note: if you are going with people who are new, unsure ==> then you should give them recommendations. Pretty good place to go to for cheap food especially when you're hungry!
RATING: 2.7-3.8

Kimganae Korean Restaurant
>(Flushing, Queens) *Big Platters, Great Service, Good Food*

Minnis Shabu Shabu II
>a pretty spacious place where you can have individual pots of soup (shabu shabu is the jap version of chinese hotpots!!)  They have diffferent types of soup stocks such as one that tastes similar to miso, kimchi, and spicy stock. They also have different varieties where you can cook your own meats, seafoods,and vegetables!  They also have a pretty decent range of sauces at the large sauce table!  The place is pretty clean and spacious as well.  I think the biggest tables could hold 8 people!
Just to let you know, its best to have shabu shabu/hotpot with those who are close with you or at least the people you can talk a lot with!  That way it'll be fun especially since you guys will be cooking your own food!  It'll be even funny if the people who eat with you don't really know hotpot! They will ask you questions and maybe just plainly try things out! Note to self: most likely if you guys order your own set of food to cook, it'll be a lot! They give you the basic large set composed of cabbages, mushrooms, corn, eggs, pumpkins, and fishballs before you order.  Then you can add meat or even more vegetable sets onto it by buying which shabu shabu you want. Don't worry about running out of soup too!  They'll refill your soup stock!!  If you're stingy, then make sure you have your own set with you! But still, its fun to mix and share with your party!!! Also, to help you out, put thinly sliced meat first and then take them out then vegetables and leave them in. PUT NOODLES LAST! Exceptions: put the root vegetables first such as carrots, potatos, daikan, and put the corn first! They add flavor to the soup!!!!!

T-Swirl Crepe
>Flushing; I have to say this Japanese place is pretty small, but it has a nice ambience.  I tried their crepe and I have to say its pretty delicious lol. The crepe looks very presentable too and if you want to watch, you can see them make crepes. There are a couple of seats where you can sit inside too.
RATE: 3.3/5


Staten Island


Maynila = Filipino Cuisine!!!



Cup and Saucer




Puff Cha Ramen

Sik Gaek =  seafood place (LIVE OCTOPUS)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Place of Activities

Heyyy, I just felt like I should reorganize my other list of places I should go to lol! I don't know but it's been pretty messy and I really want to work on organizing it.. hmmm maybe I should do like a reall blog of it hmmmmm i mean like a website hmmmmm I don't know, but oh well, right now I'm just gonna focus on working on that list.


Greenacre Park
Garnish Temple
Musuem of Moving Image
Staten Island
Grand Central




Bronx Zoo
>Pay what you wish on Wednesday. 2300 Southern Blvd, The Bronx.
RATE: 3.3/5


New York Botanical Garden
>Free Wednesday, 9-10am Saturday. Bronx River Pkwy & Fordham Rd, The Bronx.
RATE: 3.4/5

Wave Hill
>Free 9am to noon Tuesday and Saturday. W 249th St at Independence Ave, Riverdale, The Bronx.



American Museum of Natural History
Free its last hour (4:45-5:45pm), and admission price is 'suggested' at all other times (so free, if you have the chutzpah to suggest $0). Central Park West & 79th St, Upper West Side.
RATE: 3.3/5

Chang Wen Table Tennis Club
>Price: $8/hr

Chinatown Fair
>8 Mott St, NYC, NY 10013 ; A place that though may small, it's a pretty great place to let off some steam and play games that you would see in an arcade like table ice hockey, basketball, dance revolutions, mortal kombat, racing, doll grappling machines, and the prize table.
It's also pretty cheap, and though its crowded, its not too crowded.  There are no tables and chairs so prepare to stand for a long time but enjoy.  It's fun to bring a few friends over.
Sun-Thurs : 11 AM TO MIDNIGHT
Fri & Sat : 11 AM TO 2 AM

Countee Cullen/PS 194
>FREE West African Dancing Classes: Every Monday and Wednesday from 6pm-8pm.
Summer hours: ONLY July and August: 5pm-7pm

Fantasma Magic Shop
> a magic store that sells magic and has a mini museum of Houdini relics in the store

Fat Cat
>a hangout dat's mostly composed of college age students and older.  Rarely any kids and teens.  An entertainment place that contains foosball, ping pong, and *I hear dat they have board games* and a bar.  Teens can go but they, of cours can't drink, and can't stay beyond 10 PM.
To gain entry a $3 cover must be paid, and you may pay xtra like $5 for other games.  The place is hard to find, but as a hint, it's near dis closed down fro-yogurt place. *TRY NOT TO GO HERE CUZ THE PLACE IS REALLY CROWDED AND NOISY, AND 99.99% ADULTS*
RATE: 1.5/5

Grand Central
>Kissing Room aka The Biltmore (near Tracks 39-42)
>Whispering Gallery
>Secret bar called Campbell Apartment

Housing Works Bookstore Cafe

Karaoke Duet 48
>304 E 48st NY, NY 10017
>Wow, I haven't been here for a long time, but let me see judging from memory...The place is pretty hard to find lol [that i definetly remember hahaha] but my friends and I had their special which I unfortunately do not remember: its more like for the whole day its like $15-$20??? Yeah, I think so... They give you free water to drink and unfortunately I think you cant bring in snacks cuz I remember sneaking them in...or unless you ask cuz i remember bringing a whole pizza before... soo lol i dont remember.. They have a very huge range of different songs from english to korean to japanese lol! The workers there were also pretty nice and the place was very clean!
RATE: 4.5/5.0

Manhattan School of Music: Many performance are free!!
Box Office

>Uniqlo FREE Fridays (4-8pm) :Free Admission; Gets busy so RECOMMENDED COME AFTER 6 PM.  The line begins at 54 ST entrance of the museum.Your UNIQLO Free Friday Night ticket permits entry to all Museum galleries and exhibitions. Film admission is free, but a separate ticket is required.

Musueum of the Moving Image: Free at certain times; about the DIGITAL WORLD!
Museum of the Moving Image Visit

Neue Galerie NYC
>Free 6-8pm the first Friday of the month. 1048 Fifth Ave at 86th St, Upper East Side.

Tanen's Magic Store
>Oldest Magic shop

The MET Museum
>One of the largest museums in the world, filled with many vivid themed galleries that make you feel like you are in that time and contains a large range of history; ITS POSSIBLE TO GET LOST IN THE MANSION OF KNOWLEDGE,  AND YOU CAN LIKE NEVER FINISH EXPLORING THE PLACE!!! Best of all, the price can be any amount you want - a donation!  DO NOT BRING ANY LIQUIDS OR FOODS BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT LET YOU IN WITH THEM!!
RATE: 4.5/5

The Small FIT Museum
>Price: Free; free and interesting; open till 8 Pm, Tues-Frid

The Uncommons
> A kind of small place to play boardgames

The Village Vanguard
>Age: 21+

767 Third Ave

West Side Rifle and Pistol Range


Bryant Park
a)Ice Skating
>Price: Free admission if willing to wait on  LONG line; Skate Rental: $20/person; Tiny storage-Bring lock
RATE: 3.8/5
b) Free Fencing
>Price: Free Beginner Lessons with Equipment PROVIDED.
Must be at least 16 years old. RECOMMENDED: Pre-registration= or call 212-382-2255
Plan Your Visit Fencing
c) Turns out theres a lot of other things you can do here SURPRISE!!
-Free Beginner Language Class
-Putting and Kubb (similar to mini golf)

Brooklyn Bridge Park
> a pretty horizonatally large park which contains interractive play areas such as swings, climbing webs, etc. The bridge is split into several piers and two of them contain DUMBO, and a sports pier which contains the roller skating, basketball courts, idk-what-its-called-but-the-hitting-ball-on-the-wall sports as well!
>This place is actually pretty small lol; there's Jane's Carousel there which a ride = $1 and right next to it is a beautiful sight of the Brooklyn Bridge!! It's absolutely breathtaking. And its just only an end part of the Brooklyn Bridge park! The rest of the Brooklyn Bridge Park is at the left of Dumbo [dont be deterred by the construction; just go around it and walk the rest of the Brooklyn Bridge Park!! By the way, the vegetarian favorite spot Ganeesh Temple Canteen is pretty close to DUMBO hahaha! Also, if you still have time, WALK THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE!!!! ITS EVEN MORE BREATHTAKING!!

Gantra Plaza State Park: kind of similar to Highline?

Governor's Island:
>What's there:
-Free Bike Rentals(Usage=1hr): Mon-Fri(10am-Noon); Reg Price: $15/2hrs
Hammock Grove- relax on hammocks with the view of Statue of Liberty
-Free Minigolf (I think preferred towards childrenR)
-Nolan Park
-Beach where you can't swim

Recommended: GREAT TO HAVE A RELAXING PICNIC; bring water, food, and things like a soccerball, frisbee, waterguns, bike

-Gov Island Ferry Info
-Ferries leave from Battery Maritime Bldg, Slip 7, Lower Manhattan. Free Water Taxi from Brooklyn.  Last Ferry Departs: 7:00pm. *Ferry Ride Home RECOMMENDED AT SUNSET.
Warning: Do not bring alcohol on the ferry; Bags will be checked!

Greenacre Park
> a park in the middle of the city of Manhattan which plot twist: has a waterfall!! n it has chairs n tables to relax n enjoy! Yes. There is an actual waterfall in the middle of Manhattan. The beautiful mid-city escape is settled at 217 East 51st Street. Pull up a chair and enjoy. It is open to the public.

>its like a park that was built on an abandoned train track above the ground; its currently under further construction while being opened.  There are places to sit, and also to sunbathe.  There's also one part that lets you wet your feet a bit.  In the middle, they have food stalls to eat. Recommended to bring your own snacks along. Beware: has a lot of walking and the bathroom is usually far. SOMETHING I STILL NEED TO TRY: STARGAZING (Between West 13th and 14th streets New YorkNY; FROM DUSK-9:30 N IS ON TUESDAYS)
Highline Stargazing
RATE: 3.7/5 

MET Rooftop Garden Cafe & Bar
>Usually i would've put this with the restaurant side but I hang out more here to relax.  This place is pretty big n its wierd cuz I had just recently heard of it lol. Many do not know of it so it wuz not crowded.  It turns out there's a special way to get there: 1) take a certain elevator that leads you straight there; 2) Go on the 2nd Floor and through a certain giftshop there is a stairway that will lead you there if you go up to the 5th Floor.  I'm pretty sure sure dats y not many hav heard of it; n dats pretty cool in mi opinion!  It's really like a grass garden dat has little shade but a magnificent view of the city!!!  What i found even cooler is dat thers a glass structured in a way dat makes it seem ppl across it are standing nxt to you but lik in a aura way.  Me n mi friend wuz pretty hyped bout it.  Also, it has a cafe that's mostly drinks: its from 11-15 dollars for its small selection of food; but they had drinks for under 21 too like juice n water THANK GOD.  The cashier was so nice to give us extra cups with ice; looks like dat part wuz free cuz others did the same.  Unfortunately, you can't bring any food or drinks to the museum cuz of door checkup so you hav to buy from the museum. CLOSES AT 4:30 PM.  Good place to really chill, and relax n see a good view of the city !! On top is also a cool exhibit called the MET Cloud City.
RATE: 3.3/5

Riverbank State Park Roller Skating 
>this place is in a LARGE PARK which i didnt know exist until NOW!  I've been looking for a roller skating rink for a long time and THX THE HEAVENS, I LEARNT OF ONE!!!! It costs $7.50/person (admission+rollerskate rental+ locker) What amazed me wuz that there wasn't as much people as I thought!!  It's kinda indoors rink outside. So its best to take the D train heading downtown and get off at 145th St.  There you will see a Checkers store and in that direction, just keep going straight!!!  It seems like a long walk, but it really is not.  Once you're in the park, just keep going straight and turn to the nearest redlike building when you get near the water as you keep going straight!!  I was really fun even though I had a bit of difficulty since the wheels are 4 wheels instead of just a blade like iceskating.  I skated for like 2 hours!
Around the 145 St D train Station and even closer to the 1 Train; Close to City College
RATE: 4.2/5

Roosevelt Island:
> A great place for a date but not so much for hanging out with friends UNLESS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A PICNIC: I RECOMMEND BRINGING CARD GAMES, CAMERAS, BALLS LIKE SOCCER. FURTHERMORE, I recommend taking the D train and then transfer to the F train that will directly take you to the island. I also RECOMMEND taking the tramway later at sunset: THE VIEW IS MORE BEAUTIFUL WITH THE SUNSET. Furthermore, there's an H&M store if you want to just spend some more time, and it's conveniently beside the 4 Train station.    The island is right next to Manhattan and has two ways to get there: tramway (which is pretty epic) and the F Train!  The island is very peaceful and has a curfew of 8:00 PM which I find REALLY EARLY I KNOW.  The place has delis, stores and has a beautiful boardwalk and many luscious green meadow that are just perfect for picnics I say!  There's also a kinda big lighthouse there and an art gallery place called the Octagon.  There's also a bus transportation throughout the entire island but I dont know if its cheap; ppl say its cheap n practically free though.  Around the place, are playgrounds that are suited for tweens and lil kids n they have ping pong tables and basketball courts to play in!  I suggest this place is only ideal if you are going to live there, you are having a one-one date or the type to just have a picnic n play sports n card games.  After hanging out, you can just take the tramway off the island which yes is equal to the metrocard fare and then pay again to take the train - i no how u feel im cheap too.  But the tramway is worth it!  The end tramway station is around clothings stores if you also wanna go window shopping!
RATE: 3.4/5

The Cloisters
>a part of the MET Museum but it is in the upper town of the A Train.  the Cloisters are in a large park near a very large river (which you see on the way)  and it is an actual museum that seems to be mostly about Christianity in an Italian Renaissance looking place.  There are two small gardens that are beautiful, a cafe, many galleries, a terrace with a wonderful view, and a cafe!  What's even better is that the price is whatever YOU CHOOSE TO PAY LIKE A DOLLAR!  Warning: it's not really that far but I would recommend wearing sneakers because it's kinda hilly.  Also, there's not really places around to eat except the cafe.  You cannot drink or eat in the galleries but in the cafe, you can! You can still bring your water in though, but just in a bag!!
RATE: 3.3/5

Winter Garden Atrium (Brookfield Place)
>Beware, go down the Vesey St, AWAY FROM THE BROADWAY SIDE.  It's right across the building World Trade Center Observatory (or something like that).  Beware the place got something like 2 entrances.  RECOMMEND to get off the last stop of E Train - WORLD TRADE CENTER. The great thing about this place is that it's a great place to relax and sit under indoor palm trees of a mall filled with expensive things lol.  Outside is a beautiful pier that serves outdoor seating with a magnificent view!  You can see the water, the boats, etc!!  Great place to have a date btw!!
RATE: 3.4/5



Brooklyn Bridge Park (right beside DUMBO)
> The place has a breathtaking view of the Brooklyn Bridge and has many large lawns where you can picnic! There's also a place called Jane's Carousel which anyone can ride for $1-$2! I have to say though, well when I went, it was very small. There really wasn't much to do here either.  I went for the exhibit but a lot was under construction.  Well, I just have to say that this place would be a good place to relax and have a picnic. also, it's great if after hanging around Brooklyn Bridge Park, you walk on the Brooklyn Bridge towards Manhattan; its a beautiful sight!  
RATE: 1.8/5 (for the winter)

Brooklyn Museum
>Free first Saturday of the month, when there's big wine-sipping, DJ parties that draw half the neighborhood. 200 Eastern Parkway, at Washington Ave, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.

Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co
>a supply store for superheroes lol; however its in Brooklyn which is really far.  If you want to be a superhero, then hell go for it!

Hall of Fame Billiards
> a seemingly small yet really spacious place that has few arcade arcade games, ping pong tables, pool tables. The prices are pretty  good, the people are nice, and the place is pretty clean! I would love to come back with a couple of friends!
RATE: 4.0/5.0

New York Aquarium
>Pay what you wish from 3pm Fridays (4pm in summer). Surf Ave & W 8th St, Brooklyn.


Brooklyn Botanic Garden
>Free Tuesday, 10am to noon Saturday and weekdays in winter (Nov-Feb). Eastern Parkway at Washington Ave, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
RATE: 4.3/5

Coney Island 
>There's a lot of trains that stop there like the D (which u can take all the way).  It was pretty crowded in the afternoon so try to get there early.  There is an amusement park called Luna Park ($30 for 5 hr unlimited rides except the rollercoaster), the rollercoaster - is either 3 or less than 3 minutes and cost $9.  The park was not as crowded as I thought, there are lots of ppl but theres space to easily walk through.  There's also arcades and a bumper car ride there.  The beach, thank god is free!!  There are restaurants there like Grimaldi's, Applebee's, White Castle, Nathan's Frankfurters, and other stores.  They also have gift shops and an aquarium.
RATE: 4.3/5
-Mirror Labyrinth & Appearing Rooms (Brooklyn Bridge Park)

-Sunset Park



-Garnish Temple (Flushing)
>Garnish Temple Canteen (Flushing - Located in the basement of a Hindu temple out in Queens (WAIT, wut?), this Indian counter has some of the best buttery dosas around; order the Pondicherry dosa with spicy chutney, onion, green chili, and fiesta potato masala.)

-Museum of the Moving Image
>Free: Fridays (4-8pm) Everything except the movie
Reg Admission: $12; Students have a discount
Tip: Close to the R/M train station
Time: Expect 1.5 hrs to stay in

-NYC Badminton Center
>Price: $15


Alley Pond Park Adventure
>Wow, this place is really in the middle of nowhere!  This adventure course is free on Sundays and is a first-come, first-serve basis on months besides july and august.  In July and August, you have to make a reservation on Mondays as a lottery for the following Sunday.   The rangers only do one basic physical activity and one advance physical activity so it wasn't what I hope for.  Oh yeh, dis wasn't said in ther website, but for participation, one has to be 18 and older, FURTHERMORE, those who are less than 18 have to waivered by an at least 18 yr old guardian.  And bring identification that has a birth yr.  The registration times are 9:30 AM and 1:00 PM.  The courses are rockclimbing, ziplining, and other parts.  The rangers are nice and really interactive.  Oh yeh, to get there, take the F train to Union Turnpike and then take the Q46 bus to get there.  TRUST ME, SAVES A LOT OF EFFORT AND TIME NO MATTER WHAT HOPSTOP SAYS: DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS I DID.  Oh do bring food and refreshments cuz dat place is huge and is really in the middle of nowhere.  OH IT WOULD BE A LOT BETTER AND EASIER IF YOU HAVE A CAR.
RATE: 2.1/5

Flushing Meadows (Corona Park)

Staten Island



South Beach and Franklin D. Roosevelt Beach

Staten Island
How to get there: For South Beach, take the Staten Island Ferry to St. George Terminal, then transfer to the S51 bus to Father Capodanno Blvd/Robin Rd. For FDR, take the Staten Island Ferry to St. George Terminal, then transfer to the S51 to Father Capodanno Blvd/Seaview Ave.

If you’re in the mood for something a little off the beaten path (or pizza), head to Staten Island for views of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, jogging along the boardwalk, kayaking, and fishing. Bonus: the Staten Island Ferry is free (and you can drink on it!).


Russian Shvitzes: basically a public bathhouse but you can drink while relaxing and bathing.

Astor Center;Brooklyn Kitchen: pretty expensive but seems totally worth it cooking class institution!

Mission Escape Games

NYZ Apocolypse

Accomplice The Show


>Sleep No More

>Queen of the Night

>Then She Fell

>Speakeasy Dollhouse

Rough Trade NYC

>Play Nerf War with Walkie Talkies
>Do the Pretzel Game
>Watch movies/dramas
>Play Boardgames
>Play Cards
>Play Videogames
>Read something like a book, article, news
>Cook together