Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Practice of HTML (basic draft)

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    <title>Moving Forward</title>
    <h1>The Beginning</h1>
    <p>I was awake late at night and thinking of how I wanted to see my boyfriend since I haven't seen him the past couple of days after getting back from college. I ended up being faced with breaking up news which honestly really hurt especially through the next couple of days</p>
    <!--The mixture of emotions I felt-->
    <p>I had a rush of emotions just passing through me and some of them were...</p>
    <p>On the first day, I was crying with a box of tissues at hand wherever I went. I was hurt and honestly, really felt like shit. Here I was thinking the relationship was going pretty smoothly to the point that I was going to introduce him to my friends back home. I wanted to do work, but I didn't want to. I wanted to just roll up in my bed, not move and just cry as much as I could. I would sob when I was doing work, eating, sitting alone in my room, and doing other activities.</p>
    <p>It got really bad to the point that I talked about it with my friend back home and my friend from upstate for comfort. Usually, I just cry on my own and just learn to get up from it. But, I felt that I couldn't. I felt that I couldn't breathe.</p>
    <p>Talking to my friends as I was crying honestly really helped. They were genuine in actively listening to me especially my second friend. Though it didn't make the pain go completely away, it helped ease it a little bit.</p>
    <p>Now a few days has passed and I've been getting better and better. I do still feel a few moment where I just tear up a little and feel lonely. Of course that includes the times where him and I spent together. But as I realized with my friends' help, it's okay to be sad about a breakup. One should never rush the mourning of a relationship. It hurts because you were attached. And you not being attached is not a bad thing. It proves how genuine your feelings were and how much you liked your partner. It also shows that you didn't waste your time.</p>
    <h3> Several Reasons Why You Didn't</h3>
      <li>You spent time with someone you liked</li>
      <li>Since your feelings were genuine, you saw how you were like in a relationship.</li>
      <li>As a result, seeing your strengths, weaknesses, wants, and what to watch out for in a partner and in a relationship</li>
    <p>Overall, I'm really proud of how I've ended up after this ordeal and very thankful to my friends and my siblings who heard me out.</p>
    <p>So Past and Current Me...Good job cuz you're a bombass bitch, u know that? Don't let anyone tell u otherwise!</p>
    <a href="https://pairedlife.com/misc/25-reasons-I-think-you-are-AWESOME" target="_blank"><img src="http://m.memegen.com/i04l86.jpg" alt="Great Job, Oldsport"/></a>