Friday, November 23, 2012

quick summary and what happend today ;)

                      hehehehehe, im soooo happyy!!!! tell me how i wuz reading through one of mi old diaries and i just kept on laughing.  oh yeh, even though im lik a day l8t HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!! nah, but im kinda dissappointed tis yr, tita josophine made a dinner dat wuz iight.  the only thing i actually liked wuz her ham with pinapples.  I WUZ SOOOO JEALOUS WHEN I SAW MI AUNTIE LOIDA'S DINNER!!! she had gravy, mashed potatoes, rice and cheese cupcakes, turkey and A LOT MORE.  dang it, so when her dinner is great, wer not ther! oh yeh, heh its been a loong time since i typed or wrote mi feelings lik tis. so i'll back track a summary, i used to be weak, a coward, a gullible idiot who would believ any stupid thing.  mi so-called friends would make fun of me, mi clothes all the way to mi breath.  i wuz accused never wuz i believed by anyone.  SO to put it short, a dumbass but smart and hardworkin in academics.  now, i'm still similar. LOL, still hav a noncaring fashion sense, but a straightforward secretive idiot acting tall laidback highschooler.  i don't carelessly give away mi secrets to anyone lik b4 hah!  i dont treat kianna like the freaking queen of the world, the top girl.  in fact, i barely even tlk to her anymor.  a pity, that christel, kathleen still treat her as she's all dat.  well, i gotta admit~she did get nicer.  but too late.  i split from their clinque since the middle of 8th grade.  i got sick of the b.s. and made other friends. now im in clinton, WHICH IS SUCH AN AWESOME SCHOOL!!!!!! i swear mi classmates are soo entertainin, imma try not to get mad, lmao, still cant whisper, and direct to the point and DRAMATIC <3 .  oh yeh, i found friends who treat me right and are just too HILARIOUS. Ngoc- lik the old me but is liked by everyone, LOTS OF ADMIRERS, never bullied, LUVS KOREAN DRAMAS<3 from wat i no.  Faith-lol, dirtyminded, casual, well-liked, mi fake mother, and she influenced me, and YEH LUVS ANIME, and is currently in love with her sempai Rising, i no wierd name, and they LOVE EACH OTHER, but he busy so no relationship. sadly... Adelaide- nickname-Addy, THER FINALLY I SPELLED IT RIGHT cuz i would always spell it as Ade,  sweet, nice, compares herself to others, maybe a lil judgemental, pretty, EASILY FALLS IN LOVE WITH GUYS especially the cute guyanese and bengali types, has a hurtful mysterious past which haunts her but i dont wanna pry into it, cuz im also doing the same thing, seems to be cautious towards her friends,acquatences in her church, and heh short but curvy. oh yeh, i dated azizar, well im not sure if i could really could count dat as a relationship, CUZ first he said, it wuz just a fling, and second, he never told me he loved me, third, we never asked each other out.  it does kinda piss me off when he called it a fling after these two years in highschool of not seeing him cuz it took me all mi courage to confess mi luv to him especially when i didnt believ in love, but hey i shouldn't be talking. i dumped him in like two days cuz first, i had a crush on someone els, two it would be logical cuz it wuz 8th grade and i dont want him to be tied down to me and it would easier for us to seperate if we didnt hav dat much memories, and four, because of mi mother and five, he had a wife, i dont want them to seperate especially since his wife deeply loved him and six, he said he wuz a player and i hate dating players cuz they troublesome.  ever since we "split", i had stopped liking him but feel cautious and guilty and nervous cuz i hurt him from mi perspective.  also, wierdly, i havent liked anyone for these past two years, not a single crush even though ther were many cute guys but just not as interesting at crush level.  but at least keepin mi promise with mi mom to not get a boyfriend in highschool has been easy.  I HATE BREAKING PROMISES. oh yeh, i guess i dont feel guilty and nervous around him anymore! he wasnt sad or angry, in fact from what mi friends said, he stared at Ngoc, and said that she was prettier <3 and he then wuz hitting on Addy through fb from what she told me;) so basically i wuz worryin for nothin!  also, i wuz hangin out with Addy in manhattan chinatown, and we had bubble tea, i had the lychee milk tea in chatime, and we ate a dish together, talkin about her ex-crush who'S a masochist and got dumped by his asian gf and HAS AN OBSSESION BOUT ASIAN which is kinda creepy and flattering.  and how he tryin to win her back after using her.  DAT IDIOT CALLED ME CUTE EVEN AFTER I RUINED HIM, WAT A DUMB IDIOT.  oh yeh, and then we just walked everywher to sightsee and we came across a shop where all bout spirituality and gems and amulets.  when we walked in, there wuz so many pretty stuff but one soon caught mi eye.  its wierd but its lik it wuz calling out to me?  it certainly wasn't eye-catchin, it wuz just a black small tusk on a chain necklace.  it wasn't even the type of necklace i would wear or lik to wear but i just kept on getting a weird feelin from it as if I HAVE TO BUY IT. it wasnt even dat cute, just plain black i asked Addy if she could buy it, idk if im goin crazy but it wuz just so wierd dat the feeling wuz still there and grew stronger when i wore it?  and at the subway when Ade swiped her metrocard , on the black screen, i think i was lik a foreign language lik korean or somethin in green.  OK , DATS IT, IM CRAZY. mayb i wuz just seeing things, idk.  its just really confusing....why out of all the necklaces did that exact necklace attract mi interest and give me tis strange feeling???  i dont even wear stuff lik it! geez, is tis lik dayjavu?  idk. well see yah!

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