Friday, July 26, 2013


yesterday, wuz mi final last of Master's. juniors rarely go back so tis wuz mi last year! I loved my Forensics teacher who was named Julio Saint Surin ha! see did a lil spyin of mi own! hehehe He was a Hatian montifiore researcher and lol he was man getto! He was funny and he was like "we are winners!" oh yeh, guess who went from last to second place? THIS GAL RIGHT HERE!!!!  i was rubbing my victory over u remember, albert.  He was from Group B and lol y is it dat group C always be getting bad names and be having those neg # though!? This yr for them wuz worse, -26 to -167 LIKE DAMNNNN. and from Charzard Chromogenesis watv it is to Now You C Me.  LOL, but if we just answered one more question we would've WON!!!!! dang it, so close. but oh well, finally my Robotics teacher FINALLY WON!!!! LOL he did the gangdham style LMFAO.  Oh yeh, when the pizza party came, i took  the initiative and made the first speech.  Also made, the staff, Ms. Makkabe, all of my teachers : Mr. Saint Serin, Mr. Reyes, Ms. Caparas, and Ms. Kelly sign my hat as my way of saying my good byes.  I'm so going to miss them, since i'm never going to see them ever again, probably. And I took a tour of the campus again since i probably wont really see it again.

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