Thursday, November 27, 2014

spending time at thanks giving

Hello, friend! I have to say it has definetly a long time since I have wrote on dis blog.  I have been so busy wit work dat I Han had ill time to blog.  Well, I just hav 2 say hahaha happy thanksgiving!!! Over we'd eating gravy mashed potatoes turkey etc..  But damn dis turkey is really dry though, gotta hydrate it wit gravy.  Hahaha right now we r watching a movie called the great Budapest hotel.  Lol it's quite funni though a bit too much 4 children hahahaha !  I thought it wuz quite stale but it gives quick funni moments through tout the movie. Lemme change mi words, .  We'll since dis is thanksgiving after all, we all wanna b grateful 4 something(s) though ironically most of the time all of us don't tend 2 b truly grateful until we've lost  dat / this thing(s) dear.  I must admit, I am guilty of dat mi self also.  I've very thankful dat I am here, enjoying dis dinner wit mi family n mi relatives.  Mi family n mi relatives hav taken care since birth, nurturing who I am n preparing miself 4 the world...even if I got pissed at them.  I am grateful of mi friends who hav stayed n put up wit mi foolishness for as long as I knew them.  They helped me take care of myself n helped me boost mi confidence.  I'm thankful of the moments of happiness that hav beyond satisfied mi curiosity, n mi mi interest.  Though I am grateful of mi family n friends, I am also thankful of those who hav caused mi pain: ex close friends, acquaintances , n ex loves.  They hav given hurtful yet enlightening experiences dat make me fall yet pull miself up, getting stronger. They hav helped create mi building blocks of myself.  I no it seems mighty stupid of me since those experiences wer a pain in the arse.  Hahaha, but I must say some of them r interesting though..Ehem, I am NOT a masochist , lik srssly no thx .  Haha but ok, I'm done wit dis.  We'll I must say goodnight, again. Happy thanksgiving!!!!!

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