Thursday, July 26, 2012

Last day of freshmen master's program...

I am soooo tired...and i feel lik such an idiot.  Tell me how during the master's program, i only answered like two questions right.  i felt so damn useless and dissappointed.  its a good thing i listened during mi studii group with bright, peter, and john.  i soooo loveee BRIGHT!!!! she's lik the bff iv always wanted!  if it wasnt for the master's program, i wouldnt b as close to her lik now!!!!!  she always patient, sweet, dependable, and loyal!!!  she always helps me lik i help her whenever shes in troubl  also, Peter is a great leader, but he's a cheater xD.  he gave me A HELLO KITTY TOYYYYY!!! i luv them <3  idk, bout john, getting kinda worried, yet freaked out by him.  He's asking me questions tat i rlly dont want to tlk to him bout, but hes so freaking persistent...lik geez.  WATS EVEN WIERDER is tat everytim i say something tat i usually say to others...which is really simple, he seems...glad.  its like no one has ever complimented him lik ever?  i mean, seriously i never hated him, yet he's "surprised" lik seriously how many times do i have to tell him tat i never hated him until he FINALLY gets it...ugh.  OMG, there's tis girl named stella who came from london, miraculously, she's Fredrick (annoying but nice) cuz.  they hav so maniii  wierd but cool things there. first they have tis thing lik manhunt xcept ur enemies r  "zombies" and it goes on for the whole night in the entire ENGLAND!!!  also, they have tis event called the Nudist-event, where every1 literaly goes naked on a certain day in public of London! AWESOME!!!!!! she's 22 i think but she definetly does not look lik it....omg.  i made so mani new sophomor friends in the master's program but wat sucks is im probably barely gonna see them again.  cuz first of all, they can't come back to the masters program nxt summer cuz they hav to tis thing called college now.  and hello???? theyr sophomores so i dont have the same classes or periods as them!!!!! we just bcame friends and we already r rarely goin to see each other....;'(

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