Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First time experience of KARAOKE ROOM!!! It wuz yesterday. Duet 48

Tell me how yesterday wuz sooo AWWESSOMEEE!!!! There is this guy called Peter, and of course he set up this event on Facebook.  He was going to go to Japan and not be back for lik a whol nxt yr!  I brought my sweet friend fronelly, i think that's how u spell her name, and I SANG HAPPILY WITH AN ALSO SWEET FRIEND NAMED ADELAIDE, and with this bully John, and peter's friends.  I wuz sooo pissed when i didnt bring mi camera to the event, ARG! HOW COULD I 4GET? Me and Ada did lik 2 duets, and i also did 2 duets with fronelly.  It wus so hilarious when adelaide, john, and another guy friend of mine whom i brought(think his name is christopher) and I sang while tryin to hog the microphone to sing Just the Way You Are.  LMFAO! xD I wuz totally dying when Peter wuz singing the One Piece song with me at the beginin of the event.  I wuz laughin so hard, also every1 els did also, that i could only do lik 3/4 or 1/2 of the song!  It wuz fun, great, and HILARIOUS!  i wuz also cracking up when John wuz practically beggin to sing his fav song again which is Barbie Girl.  I so hav to pay Peter back his $12 cuz i only brought lik $5 which is only enough to sing for an hour.  The $12 is enough for almost the whol day!  The iced water wuz free, which made me so happi~ Oh yeah, and a friend of Peter named Kevin is SO GOOD WITH GUITAR! damn, i wuz so envious though.  Also, he wuz the captain for the tennis team so he could probably kick my butt in tennis T-T wahhh... At the end of the event, all of us stood up to sing Do You Remember in honor of Peter leaving for Japan.  The same thing with Rolling In the Deep!!!! LMFAO, stanford made a joke of it, and it wuz funni!  but  I wuz so pissed though cuz at the middl of the event, i had to go to K-mart in Madison Square Garden just to meet up with mi mom and go with her to take a family photo.  I lost mi way in Manhatten and wuz sooo LOST.  Tired from all tat walkin, i wuz pissed, hungri, tired.  Like all in one sandwich.  When I finally found Madison Square Garden after walkin 3 blocks down, 3 blocks up, 8 blocks west, 4 blocks up, and then 9 blocks to the east, I went inside the place and started lookin for K-Mart.  I went down 2 floors, went left-straight, right-down, up-left.  tats when i finally found K-Mart.  I went inside, lookin for mom, didnt find her, then waited outside, STILL DIDNT SEE HER.  I wasted all tat time walkin and then when i tried to return to the Karaoke place.  I got lost. AGAIN. I found out tat i wuz actually going the opposite directions when i finally called Peter after walking for lik half an hr.  I wuz supposed to go east-south, when i went west- north.  I wuz soo lucki tat i had money for a payphon!  John, the jerk, HE KNOWS I FIND IT CREEPY AND TAT I HATE IT WHEN PPL HUG ME/ OR TICKLE ME FROM BEHIND OR IN SURPRISE!!!!! AND HE DID BOTH!!! i swear i will beat him senseless!
Oh yeah, the place is called Duet 48, and is in 48 East street and 2nd Ave.

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