Thursday, February 13, 2014


LMFAO, right now in the school  library.  I wish i should'nt gone 2 school cuz of dat damn blizzard! Stupid Di Blasio! like seriously, WE ARE NOT PENGUINS!!!! nah, but i guess, i hav 2 say in a way, i am thankful that i came along.  I ditched all of my classes except AP English, and Trigonometry and well, lol soon coming  Pre-Calculus! I am not sure if i should go 2 physics though. I SWEAR HATE THAT CLASS. the teach is nice, and everything, BUT I AM GETTING SO IRRITATED CUZ I AM NOT UNDERSTANDING CURRENTLY WAT'S GOING ON IN DAT STINKIN CLASS!!!! KFJSOFKEJF yep, dat's just pissed i am at dat class ugh.  Nah, but the reason, i gotta b grateful, cuz *drumroll* I WENT 2 THE FORBIDDEN ROOF!!! TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL

OMG, even though it wuz freaking freezing, i went with Chris a classmate of mine in Physics who's really cool.  he showed me to the roof and though, i figured out dat it wuz forbidden 2 go thru when he swung the door open and urged to cover mi face cuz there's a camera and quickly shut the door.  even so, i went up with him.  Oh my god, even though i broke the rules, I AM WELL CURRENTLY NOT REGRETTING IT!!!! lol, im pretty sure i might later on though if i get caught.  My entire lower part below the knee joint wuz covered in icy snow, BRRRRRRRR.... LOL, dat and the chill wind.  nah, but me and chris had a snow ball fight and let's face it: I WON. LMFAO, nah, just kidding, it wuz fun and a tie! mi boot had ice in them though; so it wuz DAMN COLD! nah, but when we went to the edge of the roof outer wall, we kinda tiptoed to get a better look to look over. OMG, DAT VIEW WUZ BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! lol, the cars and the ppl leaving looked so tiny, and u could see the pale but bright sun overlooking the clear white undisturbed snow and the lol the black concrete. OMG, SHOOOT GTG, UGH PERIOD JUST ENDED BYEEEEE

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