Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hangout wit friends

Oh well, I went to go explore Chinatown; and I have to say it wuz pretty fun.  I went wit mi friends to go check out the maid café and it turns out it wasn't as bad as I thought.  There stuff wuz pretty cool too; anime stuff = 7-38 dollars .  Their ice cream float wuz good but I wish they put more ice cream.  Their green tea cheese cake tasted good but then buttery.  I like their curry and their gyudon.  The maids were not like the ones from the anime but they were really nice.  The place is clean and looks pretty nice also :D  We also played games; my favorite wuz the "go back jump".  basically with a group of friends, when it is a person's turn, they have the choice to say go or back or jump.  go =next person, back = the last person to go b4, and jump = to skip one person.  If it is not their turn, and they speak, they are out.  I really liked the game lol.

The other place we went to after that was the Taiwanese Porkchop House; lol, and dat place wuz packed lol.  I love their short menu wit pics!  The food wuz good and pretty cheap: 5-7 dollars which made me really happy.  I liked their porkchop and I like the mushroom one.  their plates are like normal serving plates.  We were also talking about the old times lol and doing arm wrestling lol.

Wayyyy later on lol, we went to the park that held sun-yet sun statue.  The place wuz crowded with elders who were playing games, singing, and playing instruments.  Dat mi friends, is where I got some practice lesson from the Chinese Mae Mai which is like a hammer dat is like a Chinese cello.  It wuz very light, but I have to say it WUZ SO DIFFICULT TO PLAY. LOL, the guy who wuz teaching me wuz having a difficult time teaching me and we kept on going over and over on the freakin happy b-day song.  oh god, I sucked like so bad lol!  But fortunately, I HALLELUYA GOT BETTER.  Nah, but then I had to do an advanced song, and with the lil communication btw Chinese and English, yep I wuz hopeless.  He also taught me how to do the do re mi fa so la ti do part.  It wuz pretty fun and I paid the man a dollar for his help, me being a difficult learner lol.

After, me and mi friends reunited with mi other friends and we played games like the human knot, ninja, and a group chopsticks.  LOL, me and mi ally won the group chopsticks, we did the human knot by talking at first - but it wuz too fast and easy so we decided to unfold without talking lol, which wuz pretty difficult lol.  We played ninja, and yes, look who the boss lmfao.  After, we just went to the store and another store, and then played at the arcade.  B4 the arcade, there wuz an incident in wher mi friend got lost after using the br.  Our friends wer lookin for her/him and it wuz like a wasted hour yikes.  And it also happened again after leavin the arcade.  Oh we took pictures all over the place lol and I got a joker bubble tea at yaya's which as usual tasted wonderful :D

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