Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wierd thing that happened today....

hey. the wierdest thing just happened to me.  i got $5 from my neighbor by delivering her package.  well, my dad told me to give to our neighbor so i got the box and went next door to give it.  She thanked me as usual but this time she gave $5.  As she did, i just stood there like a complete idiot like um y is she giving me money?  Then she closed the door.  Then i was thinking that maybe she owed my dad money so i wuz lik oh if it's like dat, then it make sense y she would give tis to me. so i went home, asked my dad then he talked to me as if i was retarded, saying y i didnt at least ask her y.  Well, u no it was the spur of the moment.  So i went back, knocked a few times...but then i felt like it was a hassle cuz she might insist on me taking it, and i insist that she take it back so i just slipped it underneath her door.  Then i came back and dad be telling me how stupid i was.  but that was really wierd...

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