Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve

Wow, I haven't been here for a LONG TIME. well, I just have to say sighh, as usual, I'm sorry! I'm so serious though; I really mean everytime I apologize for not coming back often to type here sighhhh.

Well, I just have to say that well new year's is coming up so I'm thinking I might as well put here all or at least try to put the things I remember here before next year or hmmm, mayb i should just make a future letter to myself. I mean I haven't done that in a very LONG TIME. As usual, I apologize...cry.

Well, I just have to say a lot has come through as this year went by. Many of the friends that I knew in highschool I actually no longer keep in contact with; unfortunately, well I mean it's to be expected though.  A lot of the friends that I thought we were close or at least close decently ended up being strayed away from me.  Well, I guess life just happens.  I mean I also notice that I've pretty matured in this one semester also.  Even though many people are all about trying to be the life of the party, though I still care a bit, I'm not really like that anymore.  Now I'm just like going with the flow and like less hyper and happy-go=lucky as before. I guess I just feel like that's not really me or maybe it was just not really my mood.  But it could be the first one though cuz it tends to occur often.  I feel as though that's acting way beyond me and I don't really feel like doing that. Hmmm, what else; well I actually notice that I really like learning in college lik damn lol! I think that's probably like the highlight of my semester; I've never been so into learning as I choose what I'm interested in and I'm pretty proud of it.  Lol, surprisingly, its mostly me who feels this; most people I've met are more like slacking off or like they don't really the learning part.  But I don't know why; I feel so amazing hearing so many different things just through college!  Furthermore, I'm more into those intellectual conversations a lot more!  Even though there are many times where I feel like I don't know what they are talking about, I feel pretty curious when it comes to discussing deep concepts and im pretty into it especially when I question and we discuss our opinions.  I'm really enjoying that.  The many things that I used to do in the past, I don't think I really do them anymore or at least I feel like I changed.  Well, I mean it makes sense, time does make you change.  It's either that or maybe I'm just more in touch with who I am lol. lol, I'm not really like an out-there sociable person I think so unless we really click.  Oh yeah, there are people who I actually dislike in college!  Well, even though they are like total strangers, I figured out I really don't like judgmental people.  Like I understand if we are different, but don't scorn me or like look down on me for doing so like geez.  But oh well, I have no interest in being friends with people like that. Sadly, I also noticed that when I came back from college, I'm not really the same with the friends who I felt awesome with during high school.  Like my friends would expect me to have innovative ideas on the spot or being like the creative ideas person or the risktaker, but honestly, I didn't really have any ideas like that. It was more like I mellowed out and just went with the flow like water.  Like when my friend was going on enthusiatically about romance endeavors, I honestly thought it was pretty childish and I tended to have like zero interest. Also, when I met up with another friend who I tended to play-argue with, when we "argueed" I was just like "oh whatever," Yeah, I feel like I've changed.  But, I'm not really complaining about it though; I'm pretty satisfied with who I am right now.  It's more like I just want to keep learning and talking about deep topics.  It makes my blood flow and gets me interested.  When I was talking to my friend about a serious suject, my other friend would just laugh and say something like we were nerds and talking about wierd topics.  But honestly, even though maybe I might have thought that before cuz we were very similar before, I was actually pretty into it and I wouldn't mind continuing to talk about the subject.  Lol, I guess, I'm more into deep topics than more into like common things. lol, Idk but that's what I think.  People might think that's pretty boring or something but oh well, that's makes me more interested.  I'm more interested in rational conversations. Well, I still like talking about hobbies and interests but the deep stuff is the best!  Oh yeah, I also realized that with my mellowing out, I'm not really into like giving like detailed funny stories of my life as before.  I mean I would give stories of my life but I wouldn't really make them funny.  I would just say them straight out.

Oh yeah, well leemme make a nother paragraph cuz this is just too damn long lmaoo.  well, I mean I noticed that I can talk to people first easily but the problem was just continueing the relationship though.  I mean one, I don't really have time and two, when I do, I feel like its way too late.  But, I mean, I think im getting better at that cuz before I wouldn't really invite people to hang out or talk to me, but now, I just do cuz I'm like what's the point in waiting?  If I want to, then I should just do it.  Maybe it was like my pride that prevented me before cuz I never did it; it was usually the others.  But it doesn't work like that in college; especially from what I learnt, you have to try to continuing the friendship.  Later on, if the person doesn't really reciprocate, then just find someone one else, that's what I think.  Though I don't really like or at least apathetic about the  majority of people I met during the semester, I know in time I'll find more friends who I can enjoy my time with.  lol, well, I do like my professors a lot though; I guess its because I talk about serious deep things with them and that's what makes me feel enjoyed.  Like I'm interested in talking to the professors more lmao. Well, I don't think its a bad thing but like I do want more friends at least close to my age lol.

Sadly, I think I'm becoming a little judgmental now sadly.  I'm trying to stay from that though; cuz my way of thinking is like: if I am judgmental towards others, then they will be judgmental towards me.  like i don't want a cycle to happen. and besides like the saying goes: birds of the same feather flock together.  If I am a judgmental person, I will attract judgmental people.  I don't want to be judgmental at all and what I'm thinking is: if we are all judgmental, there will come times where we will be judgmental towards each other.  I really don't want that type of friendship.  I want friendships that understand me and lemme have fun and give me new wonderful experiences and like I feel like I can be myself lol.  I want friends for life lol!

Oh yeah, btw, I might or maybe I might go into the creative fields lol.  I don't know but now, that I think about it, I think I like designing to create something lol.  I don't know but maybe I like that lol.  I might not want to be an engineer lol but I'm giving it one more shot with this semester cuz now we're actually gonna build something as a class project lol.  But, I'm exploring another field: its an acting class.  Well the ironic thing is that I'm not really going to see if I want to be an actor but its more like I might want to be like a playwright or like a screenwriter lol. Well, the first time I took a career possiblity exam, that's what it told me lol.  Ironically, the second time I took it, it didn't say that lol.  But oh well, let's see what happens lol.  Hmm, but yeah, for some reason, I like to design things so hmm I might be that lol, oh well let's see lol.  Only time will tell... But seriously though, I hope my discovered major is something that I love and I could be good/excellent financially.  I mean I don't want to hate my job but like I don't wanna be like a starving artist like geez.

Well, let me just add some new things; I guess advice to my future self lol

Hey, you! Yeah, you reading this! I wish you a happy new year and I hope you the best to have utmost fun, new wonderful experiences, and the best success you will have!!! Take care of yourself, and be yourself!!! Don't be afraid to do things and go chase after opportunities! Keep up to your work, but still have fun!!! Stay strong, I know you're smart and can do anything you put your mind to!  Even if there are times where you doubt yourself, just breath and look at yourself! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Don't let people bring you down ESPECIALLY THOSE JUDGMENTAL PEOPLE! Don't be afraid to be yourself! Just breathe, and plan and believe in yourself! You got this! Things will turn out fine as you go with the flow! Also, don't be scared; even if you are not sure of what will happen in the future, things will turn out just fine lol! Don't beat yourself up and enjoy the ride loser!!! lmao There are many times where you will feel beat down, but from there, just look at yourself.  Look at yourself, pick yourself up and conqueer (well not conqueer, but like BECOME HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL AND AN AWESOME PERSON IN GENERAL LOL)!!!!! Hmmmm, is there any other advice I got? lol, nah, CUZ I KNOW YOU GOT THIS!!!!! HAVE FUN AND WORK HARD!!!!!! AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST

HAPPY NEW YEAR, BRUH!!!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Laptop Heaven!!!

OH my god!! Guess what, I just got a laptop recently!!! I'm so freaking happy!!!  It honestly makes my life so much easier I swear.  Now I don't need to go to the computer rooms in the library just to do my work and I have more contact with other people!!!! Well, I might get a phone soon but I'm very close to broke right now so I really don't want to push it.  Oh well, all that matters at the moment is that I got a laptop yesssss!!!!!  I got so scared cuz at first, a friend and I were playing around and he shut down my computer in the unnatural way.  Turns out ur not supposed to turn off the laptop dat way sigh; u have no idea how much a pain in the ass it wuz to reboot everything lol
I had to do all of the introductory uses of a laptop and reboot my antivirus program.  sigh, but now all in the end, it was worth it!  Now its back to normal.  THANK GOD. 

I have to be thankful for my friend though, if it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't have gotten the laptop I wanted.  Knowing him, he's probably gonna go on all the technicalities and say but I barely did anything, I just led you to the place OR he's probably gonna get all fake conceited lol and say I know lol or you're welcome, etc.  Who knew Best Buy would be so wonderful?  I didn't think that they would be a great option for electronics!  That college senior worker was really helpful; thanks man!  I really like this laptop despite the earlier annoyance.  I wish him luck in Washington cuz he deserves it!!!  Lol, I'm really hyped over this laptop though enough to call her Bleue!! Lol, its a weird spelling and name but I just kept on seeing blue so I just wanted to make it that name + a lil fancier lol.  lol, now I'm ready for all of these assignments!  Come at me bros!! lmao, I'm being weird as usual which is a good thing.

Well, tata Blogger, it wuz nice seeing you again!  I'll try to type everyday now, TRY!  Until next time,


Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Maldives

Lake Baikal, Russia

Socatra Island

Glow in the Dark Lake in Puerto Rico and San Diego

Green Lake, Austria

Treehouse Point, Washington State, USA

Haiku Stairs in Hawaii

Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Paro Valley, Bhutan

Ristorante Grotta Palazzese in Italy

17. Huacachina, Peruvian Desert

The Crystal Cave — Skaftafell National Park, Iceland

frozen air bubbles in abraham lake (Canada)

Hong Son Dong Cave — Vietnam (largest cave in world - has 2 forests & clouds)

World's Largest Fire-Breathing Dragon Bridge in Vietnam

quiandao lake, china

Rainbow Mountains — China

 The Reed Flute cave is a natural limestone cave with multicolored lighting and has been one of Guilin’s most interesting attractions for over 1200 years. It is over 180 million years old.Located five kilometers northwest of the downtown of Guilin,  Guangxi, China.

grand prismatic spring, wyoming

Salar de Uyuni — Bolivia

pink lake - W Australia

underwater forest of lake kaindy

blood falls, antartica

Fake Swimming Pool by Leandro Erlich
This fake swimming pool is located at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa and it was designed by Buenos Aires artist Leandro Erlich in 2004. layer is just 10 centimeters look like a transparent glass on the upper side this layer is look deep water but inside this is empty so after this i have to say the swimmers to be careful before jumping any pool.

Wonder Buddhist Temple Built from Beer Bottles
 This Buddhist Temple is known as Wat Lan Kuad or Temple Of A Million Bottles is located at the north-east of Thailand.This temple is design or build with using the approximately 1.5 million recycled beer bottles making this place amazing in the list of temples around the world.

The River Of Five Colors: Cano Cristales, Colombia

 Fantastic Floating Jellyfish Aquarium at Portland Airport
 This beautiful floating jellyfish aquarium is created by the Multi-disciplinary talented artist Sayuri Sasaki Hemann,she creates this aquarium beautifully and this place is located at the Portland International Airport.

mount roraima venezuela

Door To Hell — Turkmenistan (night)

Flower Tunnel Wisteria — Kitakyushu, Japan

shibazakura flowers takinoue park

Hitachi Seaside Park — Hitachinaka, Japan

bamboo forest sagano japan

lost city of petra

mount grinell (SUNRISE), montana

chand baori, india

Tornado Inside Mercedes-Benz Museum, Germany

Antelope Canyon - Arizona

The Wave — Arizona

Bioluminescent Bay — Vieques, Puerto Rico OR shimmering shores of vaadhoo maldives

stone forest

A Hill That Pulls Vehicles Upwards. Magnetic Hill, Ladakh, India

tunnel of love, ukraine

Field of Tulips — Holland, Netherlands

Moravia — Czech Republic

Giant's Causeway — Antrim, Northern Ireland

namibia, africa

Bristlecone Pine — White Mountains, California

Friday, June 19, 2015

Philharomonics Central Park

well, dis wuz a while ago, but i just have to say it wuz not as bad as i thought yet not as legendary as I thought; I would've preferred to be at the front and carry more food and drinks with games like cards as we waited for like an hour for the show to start.  all i know is THERE WAS SO MANYY PPPL like DAMNNNNN!!!!  i wish me and a friend of mine had arrived like 3 hours ago!  because by the time we got there, there was barely any space to sit on our blanket n we were getting bored of waiting around.  I found out even before we even got there; there it wuz on tv n we already saw a lot of ppl likE damnnnn!!!!  I think it was one of the biggest musical concerts ever and even though I stayed for like a couple of songs, they sounded beautiful!  All I know is with a few adjustments, I would like to attend again; it was shorter than I expected though; the concert wuz from an hour n thirty minutes to like two hours.  Can't wait to attend next year!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Free USEFUL stuff/ CHEAP/Necessary

Thrift Books

Where to get cheaper software:

Where to get free old Photoshop Software:

e-books :
How to have more room in your closet
Free courses online:

Free language classes :

Help saving money : Level Money

Automatic Saving: SavedPlus

Investing and Spending check: Mint
Stay Focused Google App
News Feed Eradicator for facebook Google App
Distraction Fee Youtube Google App

Free Capital Gains

Who wouldn’t love to let their investments grow 100% tax-free? Take a pass on paying capital-gains taxes by investing in a Roth IRA. Any money you put into your Roth grows tax-free, and you won’t owe Uncle Sam a dime when you cash out in retirement. It’s all yours.

Free kid's meal! :

Free treats for moms on Mother's Day from restaurants such as McCormick & Schmick's, Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt and Shoney's in May

Free Price Watcher

Don’t you hate it when you pay for a flight, and then the price drops? Enlist the help of, which tracks your flight’s price after you buy your ticket. If the fare drops, it will notify you and help you collect a refund or travel vouchers from the airline. (Note: Yapta only kicks in if the price drop exceeds the ticket-change fee you’d be obligated to pay.)
Yapta does the same for hotels, too. And then there's Tingo, which automatically rebooks your room at the lower rate if the hotel drops its price. You'll get a refund for the difference.
For rental cars, try

Waze provides real-time traffic information contributed by users, so you can find the best route and avoid backups (so you don’t waste gas). You also can use Waze to find the cheapest gas station along your route.

And the Last Minute Travel app offers travelers access to wholesale prices for hotels in more than 150 countries and discounts on theme parks, sporting events and similar activities.

Free Computer Security

You don’t have to pay $50 or more a year for security software. You can download a free anti-virus tool, such as Avast, and a free anti-malware tool, such as Malwarebytes, says Mark McCurley, senior information security advisor for Identity Theft 911. Don't get hung up on the distinction between a virus and malware; a virus is simply a type of malware. However, different anti-virus and anti-malware tools will protect against different known threats, so downloading both is a prudent step, he says.

Free Grocery-Shopping Assistance

Free mobile apps can help you save money at the supermarket. For example, Favado automatically matches coupons with items on your shopping list (you can load the coupons to your store’s loyalty card or print them). It also lets you easily compare sales and prices across a range of supermarkets, drugstores and big-box retailers -- including Whole Foods, Sprouts and Trader Joe's -- to find the best deals on items you regularly buy. You'll also be notified when items on your favorites list go on sale at stores in your area.

Free Software

For many basic computing needs, you can get free software rather than shelling out for the Microsoft Office Home & Student suite ($139.99), Quicken Deluxe for budgeting ($64.99), Adobe Photoshop Elements for photo editing ($69.99) and other popular programs.
For word processing, spreadsheets and multimedia presentations, try Google Docs. To manage finances, we like the free budgeting program at And for photo and video editing, try Picasa or Pixlr.

Free Digital Storage Space

With free online backup storage, you can share files and protect them from computer crashes, theft and natural disaster. Windows OneDrive gives you 15 gigabytes of free, secure digital storage space. You can also use Dropbox (2 GB free).

Free Tax Software and Guidance

Preparing your income taxes doesn’t have to cost a lot. Check out the IRS’s Free File program. If your adjusted gross income is $58,000 or less, you qualify for free tax-prep software and filing. If you make more money than that, you can still file for free, but you don’t get the free software to prepare your return.
Have a tax question? Call the free IRS help line at 800-829-1040. Many communities also offer free face-to-face help during tax-filing season, with volunteers at public libraries and community centers. See the IRS’s list of free tax return preparation resources for details.

Free Unlimited Texting

Save money on your cell phone plan by using a free texting service such as Textfree. It assigns you a free phone number through which you can send and receive texts as much as you want on your Android devices, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Free Legal Advice has been Kiplinger's go-to source for legal information for a long time, and it's still the best. The Web site is packed with free advice on a wide range of legal issues, such as estate planning, buying or selling real estate, managing a business and more. Nolo is authoritative, yet clearly explains when your situation calls for hiring a lawyer.


Integrated Chinese
Integrated Korean
Genki Integrated Japanese


Thursday, May 14, 2015


Hello, I know this seems kind of strange; I don't know why but, I have felt apathetic nowadays.  I don't know why; maybe I'm just tired or maybe I'm just not doing anything that I find interesting.  It's so BORING.  Too much routine, I feel as though nothing interesting or at least to me anyway is happening in my life.  I'm getting really apathetic as if I don't care about anything anymore.  Even the usual, where my friends would tell me of their love stories, seem like a drag to me.  At this moment, it seems like a chore to even listen or act like I'm interested.  The topics that I found so interesting before have been recycled and now, I just feel like I could care less.  My god, I hate being so down because even that's a chore.  But I can't help it; I just tend to be open with my opinion whether you like it or not.  I just wished something interesting and new and fun and happy would just pop into my life and take me for a ride.  I definitely need it at the moment.  Please, have something interesting pop into my life or happen to  me because I'm just depressed about being bored.

Please, help.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


OMG, I JUST HAVE TO SAYYY KYAAAA I attended a pillow fight PUBLIC in NYC!!! yo it wuz crazi, n ofcours NYC would hav something lik dis lol

With a group of friend, I got to hit so many different strangers with mi handy dandy pillow hahahaha; I dont think i'v ever been dat close 2 a breathless concussion lol.  I got ambushed by the junior division after hurting a little girl a little bit lol, n got ambushed by a group of people hahaha just like with another hundreds of ppl filling up the place lol  Also, there wuz also girl who would climb onto of the guys' shoulders n just like the others, I found dat as a cheat lol n attacked with full vigor hahahahA.  OMG, THE BEST THING WUZ DAT I SAW EQUIPPED PILLOW WARRIORS LOL!!!  THEY LOOK LIKE THEY WERE ON A MIGHTY QUEST TO DEFEAT EVIL WITH THEIR FLUFFY PLUSHY WEAPONS TROLOLOOL!!

What wuz even cuter, wuz dat ther wuz a marriage proposal in the park!!!!  in replacement, instead of doves, there wuz cute pillow flyin in the air!  I found it so adorablee

Im so glad I wuz able to partake in dis lik srsly, hopefully, I'll be able 2 do dis nxt yr ;') if so, heh, cant wait for round 2 kyakkyakkyakkyak trlololoolol

oops well i gtg sooo see yahhhhhh hehhehehe gonna get mi pillow ready and pumped lol

Friday, March 13, 2015

HEHEHE well more poems?

remember how i was talking about poems n stuff earlier? wellllllll, now immmm gonna put more yayyayayayayayayay!!!!!! lol, i know im being wierd but oh well! i just wanna put these poems here and have fun with them lol! i love it esp when poems rhyme lik a song! lol well, i should get going n post some more tata!

When I was little,
            I would get overshadowed.
            I will show it in this riddle.
She was the one I admired most,
            But she was also the one I loathe.
She was someone who seemed perfect,
            In every single way.
            She was considered an individual.
Who, I would always run with chaste,
            Desperately, dreaming to at least be her equal.
She was always the place I wanted to go, but could never reach.
            She was the destination that I could never meet.
            She was my goal,
            The goal that would always walk forward, and never look back.
            Every time I tried to come near,
But there would always be this pest that would jeer.
I would face this certain person, every single time
            She looked at me with that smug little smirk,
            Looking at me like I was a cockroach.
            Knowing, or thinking I would forever be her shadow, but never will be an equal.
I first couldn’t quite get a good look on this certain person.
            Who had such a demonic expression,
            But then I abruptly noticed it was me.
            The one filled with many malfunctions,
            Such as depression, jealousy, and anger.
I would always try to maneuver around this evil me.
            Using violence, persuasion, and sympathy.
            But up to now, I still haven’t passed, but I plan to persevere stubbornly.
Ever since those many other years, I still dreamt the same dream.
I dreamt a great dream
            That one day, that she would finally see me.


Ever since these many years, I have still dreamt the same dream.
I dreamt a great dream,
That one day that she would finally see me.
Not as an inferior,
But as a peer.
She was the one I admired most,
But she was also the one I loathe.
She was someone who seemed perfect,
Overshadowing me, in every single way.
She was considered an individual.
Who, I would always run with chaste,
Desperately, dreaming to at least be her equal.
She was always the place I wanted to go, but could never reach.
She was the destination that I could never meet.
She was my goal.
Like an X on a treasure map.
The goal that would always walk forward, but never look back.
Every time I tried to come near,
But there would always be this pest that would jeer.
I would face this certain person, every single time.
She looked at me with that smug little smirk,
Looking at me like I was a cockroach.
Knowing, or thinking I would forever be a shadow, but will never be an equal.
I first couldn’t quite get a good look on this certain person.
Who had such a demonic expression,
But then I abruptly noticed it was me.
The one filled with many malfunctions,
Such as depression, anger, and jealousy.
“You can’t do it, Elaine” depression grimed.
“Why is it always her, not me?” jealousy complained.
“Cheat, it’s what she deserves,” anger screeched.
I would try to maneuver around this evil me.
Using violence, persuasion, and sympathy.
But up to now, I still haven’t passed, but I plan to persevere stubbornly.
One day, I will pass these insecurities,
And my sister will turn around and see me.
Taking my hand, with her face lit.
Saying, “Congratulations, you finally made it.”

Poem #1

hey hey! havent been here 4 such a long time kyaaaa! well, i just gotta say iv been cleanin a bit n guess wat i found? hehe, yes! I found my old poems yay! well, just in case it gets "lost" again. imma keep it here for good memories hehehe :D love ya!

P.S. there are like really old hmm so i wonder when i wrote this? tricky tricky tricky lol

Friday, January 2, 2015

For college

Learn to code n program :

Learn to speak languages:

Various courses:,
To help study : song, Mozart- sonata for 2 pianos in d major

For calculus try
Calculus made easy by Thompson
Div, Grad, Curl and all that by Schey
Calculus by Gilbert Strang (online version: )
Barron's EZRA Books
Calculus For Dummies
Elementary Calculus (online version: )